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OSHA Updates

OSHA Updates

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) mandates that all employers who are required to maintain the OSHA 300 Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses post a summary of the previous year’s log between February 1st and April 30th each year, even if no incidents occurred in the preceding calendar year. The summary (OSHA Form […]

Interactive Process

What Is the Interactive Process, Anyway?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires employers to reasonably accommodate the disabilities of their employees and to engage in an interactive process when a request for accommodation is made. What is the interactive process? The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission describes it this way: the employee and the employer “communicate with each other about the […]

Did You Know I-9’s Are To Be Kept Separately?

It is strongly recommended that you keep all I-9s in either a separate master file or a three-ring binder. Because I-9 files are subject to unique record retention laws, a separate master file or three-ring binder will help ensure that you retain these forms for as long as necessary and that you can readily discard […]

Attracting Talent

Attracting Talent

A good economy is good for employers, but it has a downside—the decreased supply of skilled and talented labor. The lower the unemployment rate, the harder it is for businesses to attract and retain talent. To compete for workers, some employers will offer higher wages and more enticing benefits. Employers who can’t afford to spend […]

Reduce An Employee's Salary

When You Can Reduce An Employee’s Salary For An Exempt Employee

Question: We have an exempt employee who only worked one day this week, but claims he needs to be paid for the whole week. Is this right? Answer:  Quite possibly. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), most exempt employees need to be paid their regular salary each pay period, regardless of the number of hours […]

Appropriate Workspace Displays

Appropriate Workspace Displays

Question: Can you provide guidance on what personal items are appropriate for display in employee workspaces? We’d like workstations to look professional and organized, and we’re concerned that some currently displayed items (small toys, etc.) give the office an unprofessional and cluttered feel. Answer: Employers typically decide what amount and type of personal items are appropriate based […]


When FMLA Time Runs Out

Question: What happens if an employee’s FMLA time has run out, and then they say they’re not able to return to work? Answer: Even if an employee has exhausted their FMLA leave for the year, their condition may fall under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Under the ADA, a disabled employee is one who has […]

Multigenerational workforce

The Challenges of Managing a Multigenerational Workforce

“The Challenges of Managing a Multi-Generational Workforce PDF” As the landscape of the workplace continues to change, one of the most prevalent issues facing employers today is staff composition, which could range from 18 to 80. This rich mix of generations in the workforce can be attributed primarily to labor shortages experienced in many industries […]

Signed Timesheets

Do Employees Need To Submit Signed Timesheets?

Question: Is it mandatory for employees to  sign timesheets? Answer: It is not a requirement that timesheets be signed. It is recommended though, that employees acknowledge that their time records are accurate, either by signing them or by some other submission and acknowledgment method or technology. Having employees review and approve their timesheets prior to submission allows […]

workplace poster locations

Acceptable Workplace Poster Locations

Question: We currently have the federal workplace posters displayed in the lunch room. We want to use that space on the wall for other things, and we were thinking of moving the posters to the employee entrance. What are the posting location guidelines? Answer: Generally, federal workplace posters must be displayed in conspicuous places where they […]