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Why Do Great Managers Hire the Wrong People?

hire wrong peopleYou looked at hundreds of resumes, you interviewed 25 candidates, you had second interviews with 5 and made a hiring decision. Everything is great, until Day 1. What happened?

Does this scenario continue to happen to you? You did everything right, or did you?

The first step of effective hiring is to have an effective recruiting plan. If yours is the ‘post and pray’ method, you may be missing out on some great employees. Depending on the position, you might want to consider holding an open house, see how the people interact with others, or bring in the top few based on resumes for a group interactive interview. Some companies have done something similar to ‘speed-dating’ style interviews, where each person sits with someone for one question. With either of these creative methods each employee would provide an evaluation of with candidate. The ones with the best scores would come back in for an one-on-one interview.

What about that candidate that seems so great on paper and possibly at a recruiting event, but in the one-on-one fails miserably? All those hopes this was the one dashed. Have you ever considered that applicants that interview best are often those who have interviewed the most? If the great applicant does not do so well in an interview consider another interview in a more relaxed setting, they may be trying so hard to answer perfectly, that it turns out poorly.

Now you’ve made your decision. Talk to the candidate one last time, tell them you want to hire them; tell them why – we are impressed with the project work you did or you have knowledge of XYZ and we are interested in bringing that in to our program, whatever the reason is, tell them; also share with them what could possibly cause them to have their position terminated. Provide them with an offer letter detailing their benefits, salary, your expectations of them, and what you will give in return (bonuses, increase in salary in x days, etc.) Ask them to return the letter to you by a specific date.

Upon receipt of the offer letter, prepare your staff for the new hire. Arrange an orientation. Supply their desks. Get their computer, telephone, email set up and be ready for them. Have a welcome aboard celebration, buy donuts, have a welcome balloon at their desk, tell other employees to stop by and introduce themselves. Make sure this person knows you value them and make a great first impression.

Does this sound like too much investment? Think about it this way, if you put the investment into one great A-list new hire, you won’t be doing this repeatedly for C list new hires.

Do you need help with recruitment or a recruitment plan? Do your managers need training on how to interview? Let CyQuest help you with your recruitment and onboarding needs today!