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Contractors Must Provide Paid Sick Leave On Contracts Starting Jan. 1

paid sick leave

Government contractors must provide up to 56 hours of paid sick leave per year to employees working on federal contracts according to a final rule announced Sept. 29, 2016. The DOL estimates 1.15 million employees will receive paid leave as a result. President Obama touted the rule during his weekly radio address on Oct. 1st 2016.

The rule applies to contracts awarded on or after Jan. 1, 2017. Employees may use leave if they or a family member are sick or need medical care. It also covers leave to deal with domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking. Employers will be able to either let employees accrue leave or front-load it in advance.

For details, seeĀ www.dol.gov/whd/govcontracts/eo13706/.

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