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Seasonal Employees and the ACA

Seasonal EmployeesHow many weeks can an employee work and still be classified as a seasonal employee under the Affordable Care Act?

The law has changed a bit on this issue of seasonal employees. If an employee works for your organization for less than six months, they may be classified as ‘seasonal’ and the employer mandate penalties will not apply to that employee.

If you are an employer that will have to comply with employer mandate reporting requirements based on your other employees, you will need to note any seasonal employees on the 1095-C tax form. For all seasonal employees that are working less than six months, you will want to use the following codes:

  • Part II, Line 14 – Use code 1H for all 12 months
  • Part II, Line 15 – Leave blank
  • Part II, Line 16 – Use code 2D for months in which the seasonal employee works for you, and use code 2A for months the employee performs no work for you

Should you have any additional questions regarding this or other employee topics, contact the professionals at CyQuest for help!