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Let Your Walls Do The Talking

talkingWe all know how our children like to see their art work displayed on our refrigerators.  It helps boost their self-esteem and brings a smile to our faces.  It’s a constant reinforcement.  So why don’t we do similar at work?

Instead of the management staff always going around saying ‘remember our goals for the month’ or ‘remember the customer is always right rule’ or ‘our motto is good service drives our business’; why not put these key sayings on the walls around the office?  It’s a constant reminder to the employees and not as irritating as hearing the boss repeat it regularly.  Keep these up to date as goals change or a new challenge is issued.

Updates and changes will keep the walls more noticeable to all that walk past.  Also remember to post goals reached and key staff that made it happened.  Recognition and Reinforcement together!

Should you need any other ideas, contact Cyquest today!