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How to Attract New Hires


new hires
Is your company struggling to find new hires? You’re not alone! A lot of companies are having trouble filling openings, especially for jobs with skills in high demand. The trick here is to stand out. Start really talking up your benefits, company culture, and perks.
It is important to not be shy in your employment ads. Be sure to highlight your amazing insurance package, 401(k), profit sharing, and competitive salary! We recommend that you publicize your salary range. Having a visible salary range will attract the applicants you want and ‘weed out’ those you don’t want.
In order to really stand out, be sure to mention how great your company culture is. Share your specific values and explain the creative ways you bring them into your organization. Being creative with your employment ads can mean all the difference in the world. You want the look and feel of your ads to be able to tell your applicants what kind of company culture you have. Your social media presence should be handled the same way. Many of your prime candidates are using social media daily and this is a very cost-effective way to reach them.
The best tools you have in the recruiting process are your loyal, happy employees. Ask them to tell their contacts about the great organization they work for.  Consider the implementation of an employee referral bonus.
If a lack of skilled candidates is the issue, you might consider filling out or expanding your entry level roles. Entry level employees are a great source for promotion into technical and skilled roles. If you don’t have any entry level employees, considering creating new positions for wider talent pipelines. Remember that once employees are trained or have expanded their skills, they expect higher wages.

Should you have any additional questions regarding this or other employee topics, contact the professionals at CyQuest for help!