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Effective Project Management

Effective Project Management

Do you have what it takes to be an effective project manager?

While these traits are important to almost all management positions for project managers they are imperative. Do you feel you have the traits to be an effective project manager?

Organizational Skills – not just the standard good files organized, it goes beyond that to being able to see the chaos also and being able to create order.

Visionary – being able to see the big picture and never losing sight of it.

Honest – say what you mean and mean what you say. Treat everyone in a fair and equitable matter.

Leadership – being able to direct and motivate everyone involved. Know the strengths and weaknesses of the team and delegate appropriately.

Problem Solver – be able to evaluate the problems and information available and come up with creative and effective solutions

Communication – get your point across with minimal talk. Everyone is kept up to date. Remember communication is also about listening to others involved.

Knowledgeable – expertise is evident and respected.

Focused – ability to stay on track regardless of problems that come up. Keeping other areas going as problems are handled.

This list is far from inclusive, there are many more traits to develop and hone to reach the pinnacle of project management success. Do you have what it takes?