As managers one of our least favorable duties is disciplining our employees but it has to be done and in a timely manner. Don’t allow yourself to get overly anxious when the need arises. We often work ourselves up long before we speak to the employee. This sets us up for bad results. Use the following tips for a successful disciplinary meeting:
- Get it together – if you have any supporting documentation (i.e. incomplete or inaccurate reports), have copies ready.
- Be spontaneous – scheduling in advance builds anxiety. Instead find the right moment to call the employee to the office.
- Get to the point – state the reason for the meeting.
- Stay focused – connect what the employee says to the need for improvement.
- Take control – if the employee tries to change subject, gets defensive or argues, remain calm and remind the employee of the reason for the meeting.
- Look ahead – Make sure the employee understands what is needed for improvement.
For any other help with this or any other topic related to HR, please contact CyQuest today!