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employee handbook

Avoid Problematic Employee Handbooks

The Employee Handbook is one of most important documents used in any business, yet it can also be the first thing that gets an employer in trouble. To avoid this from happening use the following tips: 1. Giving too much detail: Stick to policies with general information. The more details you provide gives the false […]

hr partner

Do You Need an HR Partner?

Do You Need an HR Partner? The answer is YES! Do you feel your business is too small to benefit from HR services? Think again. While you may not need a complete department or even a single do it all person, all business can benefit from HR consulting. HR is Mandatory – all companies need […]

HR Consulting Firm

Benefits of Using an HR Consulting Firm

  What are the benefits of using an HR consulting firm? CyQuest offers a broad range of services to meet your needs. Whether you have a small business, larger firm, or government agency, we can help. You get the services you need. Training, recruitment, benefits, ongoing or as needed. One time services or repeat services. […]

Interview Questions

Interview Questions & Best Practices

Best practices in interview questions help keep the general questions the same for each position. Follow up questions will vary as needed, but the same follow up questions should be asked of all applicants replying with the same or similar answers. For instance if asking the question, ‘Where do you see yourself in 5 years?’ […]

Lawsuits and Documentation

Lawsuits and Documentation

You received a lawsuit from a disgruntled, terminated employee.  Your lawyer is requesting all of your documentation to prove your case.  You have everything documented, right?  The key to winning lawsuits is documentation, thorough, accurate documentation.  There are certain items, both good and bad, which should always be noted: failure to comply with company policy; […]

Social Media Terminations

Social Media Terminations

One of your employees just put a post advising you, his boss, to kiss a particular area of his body.  You are angry and determine to fire him immediately.  Then he sues and you have to pay him back wages and rehire him.  What happened?  Certain actions on social media, like protesting a policy are […]

new fmla posters

New FMLA Posters

Have you heard there’s a new FMLA poster?  Have you heard you ‘have’ to purchase it?  If you already have an FMLA poster on your wall, the answer is no, you don’t have to post this new version as long as you are currently displaying a legal FMLA poster.   The most recent edition is dated […]

great employee quit

Are YOU the Reason a Great Employee Quit?

A great employee quit. She was wonderful, never complained, took on extra assignments, worked well over her 40 hours a week. She seemed happy enough…..why did she leave? Read that again and ask yourself these questions: Did I ever ask her if she had any concerns regarding the workload or anything else for that matter? […]

GPS Reading

Docking an Employee Based on GPS Reading: Can You?

The attached article discusses this subject. http://smallbusiness.chron.com/rules-gps-tracking-employees-24502.html There are a few more things to keep in mind before docking pay. Be sure to discuss with the employee why he was stopped at a bar. Maybe there was shade in the parking lot and he was catching up on emails or paperwork, he wasn’t inside drinking. […]