President & CEO
DeVan C. Brown, President and CEO of CyQuest Business Solutions, Inc.,brings over 25 years of human resources and project management and financial management experience to the executive team. Since starting the business in 2004, he has provided leadership and direction for all aspects of the company’s growth strategy and its overall operation and direction. With the goal of establishing CyQuest as a service-driven, client service directed firm, DeVan has sharpened CyQuest’s strategic focus and concentrated its investments on three long-term growth opportunities: assisting government sectors with improving its processes and efficiencies, bringing small business “boutique” style hands-on service delivery to large prime contracts, and continued commercial market penetration. Since forming CyQuest, DeVan has spearheaded a pivotal transformation to build a best-in-class organization aligned to drive results and optimize the company’s growth and efficiencies. He oversees global operations, defines and executes the company’s strategic vision, and is intensely focused on developing, growing and building long-term service-oriented relationships.
DeVan acquired a B.S. Degree in Accounting and Marketing in 1983 from the University of Alabama—Birmingham. In December 2006, DeVan completed FastTrac® Growth Venture 10-week entrepreneur certification training program where he was able to sharpen his leadership and business development skills.
- University of Alabama in Birmingham
- Graduate of Kauffman‘s FastTrac Program
- Graduate of the SBA‘s e200 Entrepreneurial Develop
- Graduate of Dartmouth‘s Tuck Business School Business
- Graduate of Georgia‘s Mentor-Protege Program
(404) 761-6699 Ext. 1